

Director & Co-founder

For over five years, Alex has been the leader of the communication and systems space in the organisation. If you have changed a booking, received a request to review your team or received an email from us you have likely experienced his handiwork directly. However, most of his work is like gravity – invisible but essential.

Having grown up in Brisbane, Australia he is the son of an engineer. This influenced both his current experience in web development and programming but also other interests. In his early twenties Alex developed a keen interest in outdoor gardening. Whilst mowing the lawn is not his favourite pastime (although he likes the smell once it is done) he enjoys designing new garden projects and shaping and pruning the large garden that wraps his front yard.

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What’s your favourite thing about your role?

The opportunity to see how technology and data can put our teams in the best position to succeed in their respective roles.

 If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tonkotsu Ramen. If you have not had it… you need to try it.