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We help you get better at gardening and lawn care by providing research and opinion pieces from industry experts

Top Dressing A Lawn: How, When, And Why

If you’re not yet top dressing your lawn, you’re missing out on a lot. Homes all over Australia are going green over eco-friendly lawn care, and you should, too. Before rushing to your nearest lawn supply store, there are a few things you need to know so you can top...


A Complete Guide To Australian Native Trees

A Complete Guide To Australian Native Trees

If you're thinking of growing a tree in your garden, Aussie natives should be at the top of your list! Native plants are best suited to your local climate and environment. They've adapted to grow in native soils, and many are drought-tolerant, so they need less...

The Best Lemongrass Companion Plants In Australia

The Best Lemongrass Companion Plants In Australia

If you want to boost your garden's health, grow lemongrass! This fragrant, tropical grass not only adds zing to your cooking and tea — it’s also a great addition to every Aussie garden. You can start with the popular West Indian...

The Complete Guide To Growing Lemongrass In Australia

The Complete Guide To Growing Lemongrass In Australia

Transform your garden into a tropical haven with lemongrass! Growing lemongrass is easy — just plant divisions or stem cuttings in rich, well-draining soil and give it plenty of sun. Once you've grown lemongrass, you'll never need to buy it again because it's easy to...

The Ultimate Guide To Australian Native Frangipani

The Ultimate Guide To Australian Native Frangipani

Looking for a striking tree that has gorgeous flowers, evergreen foliage, and a sweet scent? You're in luck – the Hymenosporum flavum native frangipani is the perfect tree for your garden. This Australian native has an upright growth habit, glossy green leaves, and...

Why Is My Lawn Mower Turning Over But Not Starting?

Why Is My Lawn Mower Turning Over But Not Starting?

The sun's out. The drinks are cold. The morning is early and the lawn mower is ready. Except when you try to get things going, your mower engine cranks but doesn't start. It happens to the best of us, especially if it's the first time you're bringing out the mower for...

The Best Whipper Snippers In Australia 2025

The Best Whipper Snippers In Australia 2025

Serious lawn owners and gardeners know they'll need a range of tools to keep their turf looking nice and neat. A lawn mower is a great starting point, but when it comes to dealing with edges and overgrowth, a whipper snipper is your best bet. Of course, choosing the...

The Best Hedge Trimmers In Australia 2025

The Best Hedge Trimmers In Australia 2025

Ever seen a hedge in a fun shape and wondered, could you do that yourself? Or do you envy the neat and precise edges you see in commercial landscapes and gardens? Those shapes and edges are thanks to one hardworking landscaping tool – the hedge trimmer. This versatile...

The Best Lawn Mowers In Australia 2025

The Best Lawn Mowers In Australia 2025

There are few things better than the scent of freshly cut grass and the sight of a well-manicured lawn. However, no matter your lawn size, the key to maintaining grass health and appearance is regular mowing. And for that, you'll need a good lawn mower. Not just good,...

The Best Gardening Gloves In Australia 2025

The Best Gardening Gloves In Australia 2025

Gardening is a fantastic passion for any person. Whether you have a small gardening bed or a lush backyard, there's no feeling like getting your hands in the foliage and dirt. But to keep you and your hands safe while caring for your plants, you want to use good gear...

Best Of The’s Blog


The Best Garden Lights In Australia 2025

We put so much effort into maintaining our gardens – we definitely deserve to show them off. With decorative garden lighting – or just outdoor lighting in general – you can bring life to your outdoor spaces at night. Some types of garden lights include path lights,...

Beetroot Companion Plants

If you're growing a vegetable, why not grow two? (Or three, or five... Might as well, eh?) Beetroots, like many other plants, grow fine on their own but can benefit from having some friends around. That's called companion planting – growing plants alongside each...

8 Cool Carnivorous Plants To Grow In Australia

We all love adding a touch of personality to our gardens. Sometimes it's by growing flowers in our favourite colours; other times, we sow fruit trees for fresh produce. But if you really want to make a statement — and give yourself an intriguing conversation topic —...

Hedge Trimming

The Complete Guide To Growing Murraya Hedges

The Murraya hedge is a crowd-favourite among gardeners thanks to the sweet-smelling white flowers and glossy, dark green leaves. This versatile hedge works as a privacy screen, ornamental plant, or indoor statement plant. Add to that the heady, orange-blossom scent...

How To Sharpen A Hedge Trimmer

A dull hedge trimmer is a dangerous garden tool. Not only will it make your job more difficult, but it can also cause harm to both you and your plants. Luckily, sharpening your hedge trimmer is a relatively easy process that only takes a few minutes.   How can I...

How To Use A Hedge Trimmer

When it comes to hedge trimmers, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Depending on the size and shape of your hedges, you may need to use a hedge trimmer in different ways. But before you go out and buy one, there are some things you need to know.     How...

Lawn Mowing

What Time Can I Mow My Lawn In Australia?

It may seem like a good idea to get up early to mow the lawn – but there is such a thing as too early! Power tool noise at six in the morning is never fun for anyone, and if the noise continues, you may find yourself at risk of a complaint. What time can you start...

Can You Mow Wet Grass?

When we think of lawn mowing, we think of revving the mower on a sunny summer day. The buzz of an engine, the warm weather, the refreshing scent of cut grass in the air.  But your lawn doesn't stop growing even during rainy seasons – which leaves you with very...

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn?

For us proud lawn owners, we'll spend the most time maintaining our lawn by mowing it. It's essential to keep the look of a well-manicured lawn, with neatly-trimmed and cleared-out grass. However, this raises the question – how often should you mow the lawn? Your...

Yard Tips

The Best Whipper Snippers In Australia 2025

Serious lawn owners and gardeners know they'll need a range of tools to keep their turf looking nice and neat. A lawn mower is a great starting point, but when it comes to dealing with edges and overgrowth, a whipper snipper is your best bet. Of course, choosing the...

The Best Hedge Trimmers In Australia 2025

Ever seen a hedge in a fun shape and wondered, could you do that yourself? Or do you envy the neat and precise edges you see in commercial landscapes and gardens? Those shapes and edges are thanks to one hardworking landscaping tool – the hedge trimmer. This versatile...

The Best Lawn Mowers In Australia 2025

There are few things better than the scent of freshly cut grass and the sight of a well-manicured lawn. However, no matter your lawn size, the key to maintaining grass health and appearance is regular mowing. And for that, you'll need a good lawn mower. Not just good,...