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Peace lilies are resilient and graceful, yet even they can show signs of distress.

Leaf curling and drooping leaves are two of the most common symptoms of a peace lily in distress.

If you’ve noticed your peace lily’s leaves curling, it’s the plant’s way of telling you it needs help.


Causes of Peace Lily Leaves Curling

Several factors can lead to the leaves of your peace lily curling, and here’s how to identify and address them.


Quality of water

cropped view of woman holding bottle of fresh water near green peace lily plant and glass on white surface

Chlorinated tap water or water with a high mineral content can lead to leaf curling.

Peace lilies are sensitive to chemicals and salts, which can build up in the soil and affect the plant’s roots and leaves.

Choose purified or distilled water, and water your peace lily properly.


Light and location

Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing them to curl and turn brown.

Conversely, too little indirect light can weaken the plant.

This can also lead to curled leaves as the plant strives to reduce its surface area to conserve water.

Put your peace lily plant indoors or in a shaded area on your porch where it will receive lots of bright indirect light.

If it still gets too much light, you can put your peace lily next to a window with a sheer curtain.


Wrong temperature and humidity levels

Peace lilies thrive in a warm and humid environment with temperatures ranging from 18–27°C.

So, extreme temperatures or drafts can shock the plant and cause curling leaves.

An easy solution for this issue is to put a shallow bowl of water next to your peace lily plant.

This way, your peace lily can access constant moisture, even when it’s not time to water it.

Another way is to put it in a room with a humidifier!



peace lily plants in the garden

If a peace lily is root-bound or overcrowded in its pot, it may not be able to absorb water and nutrients efficiently.

This makes the peace lily leaves curl as the plant tries to conserve resources.

The good thing is peace lilies can be easily propagated by division during repotting.

You can repot peace lilies every 1–2 years or when they become root-bound.


Everything You Need to Know About Peace Lilies

You might be thinking — I know the causes, what now?

The next steps include caring for your peace lily, which involves doing the following.


Benefits and uses

Potted peace lily plant

Peace lilies are renowned for their ability to purify indoor air.

They can absorb harmful toxins from the environment, like benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

On the other hand, peace lilies can also be used for interior decorating.

Their lush foliage and elegant blooms make them suitable for homes and offices.


Growth and blooming

Peace lilies typically bloom in the spring and sometimes again in the fall, with each bloom lasting for about a month.

However, they can occasionally bloom at other times if the conditions are right.

They have a moderate growth rate and can take a few years to reach their full size.


Care requirements

Peace lily plants do best in warmer temperatures and higher humidity, similar to their native tropical habitat.

They should be protected from direct sunlight.

It’s also important to let the top inch of soil dry out between watering peace lilies.

If you’re new to peace lily care, you should use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix.

Fertilise lightly during the growing season, which is in the early spring.


Common challenges

common challenges with peace lilies

It’s not unusual to hear others call a peace lily a drama queen.

They are notorious for drooping slightly when they need something, such as water.

You’ll find that your peace lily may experience many issues when it comes to watering.

Root rot can occur if the plant is overwatered.

They can also suffer from leaf yellowing or browning leaf tips due to various care issues.

Other than these concerns, peace lilies are really easy to care for and generally resistant to pests.



While peace lilies are not true lilies, they are just as toxic to pets when ingested.

Put your peace lily away from cats and dogs, or just keep them in separate rooms.


FAQs About Peace Lily Leaves Curling


Can peace lily leaf curl be cured?

Yes, leaf curl in peace lilies can often be cured.

The new leaves should grow normally once you correct the environmental factors causing the stress.


Can a peace lily recover from overwatering?

Peace lilies can recover from overwatering if it’s addressed right away.

Allow the soil to dry out a bit, ensure proper drainage, and avoid letting the pot sit in standing water.


Should I spray water on my peace lily?

Womand hand holding spray bottle and misting houseplant

Misting your peace lily can help increase humidity, which is beneficial.

It should not replace proper watering at the roots.

If your home has very dry air, consider using a humidifier.


You Don’t Have to Turn Over a New Leaf

Peace lily leaf curl is a distress signal, not a death sentence.

By identifying the cause of the curling, you can take corrective action to restore your peace lily’s health.

So, embrace the journey with your peace lily, and watch as both the plant and your skills as a gardening expert flourish together.

About Author

Jamie Donovan

Jamie is an Australian horticulturalist and landscape designer. He enjoys writing about landscape architecture, garden design and lifestyle topics.


About Author

Jamie Donovan

Jamie is an Australian horticulturalist and landscape designer. He enjoys writing about landscape architecture, garden design and lifestyle topics.
