There’s a reason why the fast-growing Philodendron Micans is becoming one of the most popular Philodendron varieties around — it’s as easygoing as it gets!
Propagating the Philodendron Micans is equally straightforward. You’ll be able to grow new sprouts with nothing more than a few cuttings and some water. With a Micans, you’ll have a houseplant that keeps on giving.
This care guide will show you how to make the most out of the Philodendron Micans — and transform your home into an urban jungle in no time!
Philodendron Micans Overview
Like its aroid cousins, the Philodendron Micans (commonly called the Velvet Leaf Philodendron) is a member of the Araceae plant family. It is a climbing Philodendron variety, which means it needs structural support to reach its full height of 30cm.
Because Philodendrons grow wild in rainforests, it makes sense that they thrive in a similar environment. Your Micans is healthiest when it is grown under bright, indirect sunlight and positioned in an area with high humidity. Show your Philodendron houseplant some love by avoiding overwatering — as long as the planting soil is moist, your Micans is all good.
Philodendrons are typically bigger outdoors (you should see how massive a Tree Philodendron looks when grown in a yard or park). The same principle applies to the Philodendron Micans as this variety can grow larger in the wild than indoors.
Philodendron Micans foliage
Thank your lucky stars this plant is fast-growing — you’ll have gorgeous leaves for days! I dare you not to fall in love with the Micans’ heart-shaped foliage tinged with bronze and purple highlights.
Not all Philodendron Micans appear this way, however. On rare occasions, you can find variegated Philodendron Micans with either a white or yellow-green streak on their leaves.
Unlike most Philodendron fronds, Micans leaves aren’t glossy at all. In fact, their texture is matte and velvety, which gives the Micans a luxurious and elegant appearance. You can let it trail from a hanging basket, or let it wrap around a moss pole to encourage bigger leaf growth.
The Philodendron Micans vs other varieties
The Philodendron Micans has many monikers among gardening circles. Don’t be surprised when your Philodendron-loving pal calls your Micans by any of these names: Sweetheart Plant, Philodendron Scandens, Philodendron Hederaceum Micans and Philodendron Hederaceum var. Micans.
The alternate names overlap with other Philodendron types such as the Philodendron Cordatum. For your convenience, it’s best to stick with Philodendron Micans.
Philodendron Melanochrysum vs Philodendron Micans
It can be challenging telling a Philodendron Micans and Melanochrysum apart — these plants look like two peas in a pod at first glance. But take a closer look and you’ll be able to spot certain differences:
- Petioles. The Micans has a flat sheath that winds up around the stem, while the Melanochrysum has a groove-shaped sheath.
- Leaf veins. You’ll find green veins lining the foliage of your Micans. On the other hand, the Melanochrysum has cream-coloured veins running on the surface of its leaves.
- Back of the leaf. The Melanochrysum has distinct striations on the back of its leaves. You’ll be able to identify a Micans from the reddish hue at the back of its foliage.
- Stem structure. While both species are climbers, the stem of the Micans plant has a leggier, more vining look. The stems of the Melanochrysum are thicker and sturdier.
Philodendron Hederaceum vs Philodendron Micans
- Leaf texture. Despite both species having heart-shaped leaves, the leaf of the Micans has a velvety surface. The regular Philodendron Hederaceum, on the other hand, has glossy-textured foliage.
Philodendron Micans care
Standard Philodendron care applies to the Philodendron Micans. Plant your Micans in well-draining soil and position it under bright, indirect light. Water only as needed to avoid root rot. For plump foliage, use a humidifier or spray your plant with water during dry weather.
Light requirements
Give your Philodendron Micans plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and you’ll have a fast grower with lush foliage in your hands.
There’s a delicate balance to it, however. Too little sunlight and your Philodendron Micans will weaken and lose its vibrant colour. Too much direct sunlight and your plant’s leaves will brown and wither.
You can choose either of these options to give your plant optimal sunshine.
- North-facing windows will give you plenty of indirect sunlight throughout the day
- East-facing windows will give you plenty of bright morning sunshine, then indirect light throughout the day
You can do what I do at home with my Philodendron plants:
I place my Philodendron Micans about half a metre away from my east-facing window during the early hours of the morning. This will give your plant just enough sunshine without burning the leaves. Come noon, I place the pot right beside the same window and leave it there for the rest of the day.
I’ve been doing this for several months now with my Philodendron Micans, Philodendron Xanadu, and Philodendron Erubescens Ceylon Gold and they’re as chirpy as ever. The stem structure looks strong, the leaves are plump and healthy-looking, and new growth appears frequently.
While you’d love to smother your Philodendron with TLC, overwatering it will bring more harm than good. Resist the urge to water your Micans unless you are absolutely sure that the soil needs moisture.
Take a step back and assess — if the top layer of the soil looks dry, it’s a sign to test for soil moisture. Simply poke your finger in the soil to know if your plant is in need of a shower.
If the soil feels wet to the touch, your plant can skip a day or two of watering. If the soil underneath the top layer feels grainy and dry, it’s a sign that your plant needs to be hydrated.
Regular tap water works well for your Philodendron Micans. If you’re not keen on using chlorinated water, just set aside a container of water and leave it uncovered overnight. You’ll have chlorine-free water in the morning.
You can also use rainwater as a cheaper and eco-friendly alternative.
Gardening tip: As a rule of thumb, Philodendrons prefer underwatering to overwatering. Too much water in the soil can cause root rot in your Philodendron. If the soil feels too wet or soggy, place your philodendron near a window with indirect sunlight and allow excess water to drain out. The sunshine will hasten the evaporation of the water just in time to save your plant from root rot.
Soil type
Plant your Philodendron Micans in moist, well-draining soil. A potting mix made with palm soil and perlite will hold enough moisture for your Philodendron, and prevent the risk of waterlogging.
Recommended: Philodendron Super Soil

Planthood Potting Mix
Designed exactly with your philodendron’s origins in mind, Planthood’s barky mix mimics the origins of these tree-huggers which thrive on aerial roots and attach on other trees for support. Get ready for your plant to grow wild!
Your Philodendron Micans needs humidity to stay healthy. Place your Philodendron in a humid area in your home to ensure that your plant gets plump and vital-looking foliage.
During dry months, supplement air humidity by lightly spritzing the leaves of your Philodendron Micans with clean water. While it’s a temporary solution, it will give your Philodendron a quick fix to lacklustre foliage.
Gardening tip: Place a humidifier near your plant to ensure round-the-clock moisture. Another way to give your plants a hydration boost is to place them near the shower — it’s a surefire way to bring limp-looking leaves back to life in an instant!
Because the climbing Philodendron Micans is a fast-growing Philodendron, it needs regular fertilising. Fertilise once every two months during fall and winter. Increase the frequency during spring and summer and give your Philodendron Micans a monthly fertilising.
Philodendron Micans propagation
You can propagate a Philodendron Micans from a cutting when you follow these 3 easy steps:
Step 1: Make the cutting
To propagate a Philodendron Micans, start by cutting off a stem with two or more nodes from the parent plant. Use clean, sharp shears when doing this to prevent bacteria from infecting your plant.
Cut about 2.5 cm above and below the nodes to give your new cutting enough structural support.
Step 2: Remove the leaves
Cut off excess leaves from the stem and save one or two leaves — doing this helps your plant concentrate all of its energy on growing roots.
Step 3: Place the new cutting in water
Place your newly cut stem in a jar filled with clean water. Make sure to submerge all the nodes. Position the jar near a window with bright, indirect light to encourage root growth.
Empty and refill the jar with clean water every two or three days to prevent bacteria from growing. As soon as new roots develop, transfer the young Philodendron plant to a well-draining planting mix.
Philodendron Micans problems and treatment
As mentioned earlier, the Philodendron Micans is a hard-to-kill plant. Even if you need to move houses with your plants, you can rely on your Micans to settle in nicely! Despite its hardy and adaptable nature, however, you could encounter these issues:
Yellowing leaves
Overwatering causes yellow leaves on a Philodendron Micans. Bring back your plant’s beautiful colouring by reducing the frequency of watering and giving your plant plenty of bright indirect sunlight.
Philodendron leaves curling inward
Curling Philodendron leaves is usually caused by low moisture levels in the air. Remedy this by spritzing your plant with clean water or transferring it to your bathroom, where the air moisture is high.
Leggy Philodendron stems
Some plant owners find leggy Philodendrons to be unattractive. To have a thick and lush Philodendron Micans plant, plant many cuttings in one pot — this will create the illusion of a bushy-looking vine. You can also prune off leggy stems and sick leaves to encourage new leaf growth.
Brown spots
A Philodendron Micans with brown spots on its leaves can be a sign of severe dehydration or too much direct sunlight. To treat your Philodendron, move it to an area with less direct light.
Test for soil moisture — if the soil feels dry, give your plant a deep watering until the soil is moistened through.
If you’re still unsure what’s causing your Micans’ problems, it’s best to consult with professional gardeners for your plant’s diagnosis and treatment. While Philodendrons don’t need that much attention and care, a professional gardening service will give you peace of mind that your houseplants will be back in the pink of health in no time.